Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rockin' on Japan September 2014 Issue (rough translation of online article)

Rockin' on Japan September 2014 Issue 
All photos by OGATA

 ~"Just absolutely, do not break this band and it should not be dissolved. If someone will say to the other that he wants to quit, I'm going to beat [punch] him down (laughs)."

"Ryota-kun, you're in a dance school since kindergarten? Now because [of the band], I said "Oh is it?"

~"I wanted it to become a big band somehow. We believe in things such as working earnestly towards that dream always while being around with the same people. Like a [proud] father, I was watching it happen all the way from last year."

~"In a sense, I continue to stay. This is what I do to go on living while protecting something because I thought, we honestly need to protect the band and I really hate it if we do not take the next challenge."

~"I'm thankful to the band for making today's style possible. I heard that you should think about your whereabouts because in case you're always just childish, it's said to be dragging/drifting. So, like an older brother is not all ahead, I mean, I'm a typical second son. "

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