Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Translation of the No Music, No Life video message of ONE OK ROCK

Uploaded by Tower Records Japan on Sep 12, 2011
今回の出演はONE OK ROCKのみなさんです。
※NO MUSIC, NO LIFE.ポスターギャラリーはこちら

No Music, No Life
(video source: Tower Records Japan youtube channel)

-->Here's the summary of what the boys are saying in this video. This is based on my sister's translation. She just dictated it to me and so, I have no choice but to edit it to make it more understandable for everyone. 



One OK Rock during the promotion of Niche Syndrome -->

Taka: Making this album, the Niche Syndrome, is truly inspiring. The people changed our lives. We are thankful for them because they inspired us to make this. As a band, we consult each other while creating our album. After all of us agree with the details, the result is this album. We somehow felt a certain fear while doing this. This is about the people's perception, their pains, their surroundings. We ask their opinions. Because of these people, we pursued to finish this.

Toru: Many chances come our way and we are inspired because of these chances.

Tomoya: In our last tour, all the talented bands and even our favorites gathered together and we told ourselves, we can do it, too.

Ryota: This generation is different in such a way that they are more energetic and so we thought, our band should give all our best to make our music bigger and livelier to keep up with the crowd.

Toru: The generation today varies and so we have to create new things also.

Taka: Even the 50 years old people can relate to the music in our album.

Ryota: Everyone has their own music preference that makes them sad or happy. Music is really important to everyone regardless of who you are.

Taka: There are people who do not appreciate music but acknowledge the importance of music. There are some who appreciate it whether it is sad or happy. They believe in music.

Toru: There are different kinds of music. There are different kinds of listeners with different kinds of beliefs.

Tomoya: Recording music is sometimes difficult but sometimes happy. But whether it is difficult and happy, we continue doing it.

All of them: NO MUSIC, NO LIFE!

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